Porn and Sex Addiction Counseling in Ft. Worth

The Path from Addiction to Freedom

Perhaps your first exposure to pornography was by an older friend or sibling. Maybe you consumed it during a time when you were with peers. What started as curiosity cultivated into behavior that has controlled you to the point where you have been engaging in unwanted sexual behavior for years. You have found that the initial porn you looked at isn’t working anymore. So you find yourself seeking more risky porn and behavior to get the same high. You want to stop, but you honestly don’t know what life was like without this struggle.

If you find yourself wanting out but don’t know where to start, you’re not alone. I’d love to listen and help show you a path to freedom. Simply fill out the form to schedule your free 15-min consultation

Schedule a free 15-min consultation with Clifton Hickman.

What are the signs of Porn and Sex Addiction? 

You might be thinking “Well, all the guys I know struggle with porn and have lots of sex. What’s the big deal? It’s normal, right?” Maybe it is normal, but what is normal to the population doesn’t change the criteria for addiction. Here are some of the criteria:

  • Escalation: Growing to more risky kinds of behavior.

  • Frequency: Struggling with it with an internal time clock under 60 days.

  • Cravings: Experiencing withdrawals or thinking about it when not using.

  • Usage Despite Cost: Loss of energy, emotions, and relationships do not alter the behavior 

  • Time: You dedicate and schedule lots of time to indulge 

  • Autopilot: Feel numb, not as relationally present, and just going through motions.

  • Neglect: The quality of work, hobbies, and relationships get less focus and decline as a result.

If you or a loved one are struggling with porn and sex addiction please don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Get to know Clifton

My goal is to be a fellow traveler with those who struggle. Together we can understand how you got there and we can discover a path forward in order to achieve freedom from your struggle to a better life. Addiction takes a devastating toll on the struggler, the partner of the struggler, and the families. I know this firsthand, and would love to help you. Read more of Clifton’s story.

For wives or girlfriends struggling with betrayal trauma

I can’t imagine the pain you are going through and the confusion you feel! You are in such a hard season, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. My wife, Gina Hickman, specializes in betrayal trauma. We can also help you navigate this tough in your marriage. Please see our new business site linked in the button below to learn about us.