
$155 for 50 minutes. $225 for Couples for 80 minutes

Who I See

I only take adults (over the age of 18) for therapy sessions. I see adult clients from all facets of life who are willing to work on issues in their life.


I have chosen a private pay practice for the following reasons:

When I submit a claim to insurance, I must provide diagnostic criteria in order for you to be approved for treatment. By not submitting claims, it allows me to protect your privacy, do what is in your best interest (not what insurance will cover). Insurance companies want to dictate the length of treatment. Often, your needs will extend beyond what your insurance will approve. Being a private pay provider allows me to focus on what you need instead of what insurance dictates.


Join my Porn/Sex addiction process group. 6:30 PM-8 PM for $60.


451 University Drive, Suite 201
Fort Worth, TX 76107