What is Christian Counseling?

First, let’s describe what Christian counseling is NOT. Christian counseling is NOT someone giving you bible verses that will cure you if you pray them over your anxiety, addiction, or struggles. It is NOT a session where the counselor gets to hammer you for all you are doing wrong (Jesus didn’t do that Matthew 9:10-13). Conversely, it is NOT counseling where even though addiction is ruining your life, your counselor smiles and tells you “You do you and others should just accept you” (Jesus didn’t do that either John 4).

 Christian counseling is counseling that is rooted in Jesus’s story and thus is expressed through word and deed (John 14:23; Galatians 5:22). God’s story is a beautiful story! It is a story that answers deep questions like who is God, does he love me, how does His story connect with mine, does he long for a relationship with me, and how is He going to fix the brokenness in my life and in the world. Every worldview answers these questions and that worldview determines how you live. In other words, everyone has a “god” in their life, and what they live for displays it (fame, money, freedom, success, relationships, etc.) A Christian counselor seeks to journey together as we make sense of Jesus’s story and what it means for life. So for example, what does the Bible say about porn and sex addiction and how is it addressed through Jesus’s story. One final note is that a Christian counselor recognizes that God’s Scriptures do not speak to directly to everything. This means that God has given us other avenues of wisdom and guidance for life.


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