Clifton Hickman | Licensed Professional Counselor

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Can you tell me the stats on Porn Usage in the church and Outside of it?

One of the most common questions I get asked as a porn/sex addiction therapist is what are the stats. Some ask about the statistics of porn usage in the general culture and some ask about porn usage in the church. In listening to a recent podcasts and finding a study through Pure Desire that discusses a Barna study, the statistics are staggering.

1) 61% of US adults reported that they are viewing pornography: This means three out of five US adults are viewing pornography.

2) 54% of Practicing Christians in the US are viewing pornography: A Practicing Christian in the study is defined as someone who reported that their faith was important to them and they attend church twice a month.

3) 84% of porn users say that they do not have anyone in their life helping them to avoid porn usage.

4) 49% of Christians said they were comfortable with how much porn they use.

5) Only 21% of practicing christians said they wish they didn’t use porn at all.

within the study, it was reported that 56% of US adults view therapy or counseling as the most effective approach for addressing their porn usage.


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